Loved the coast, the sea air, the time with my sister.
But I always love coming home again.
This morning it was a joy to sit outside and read and do my Bible study.
Our weather is beautiful. And ... I planted this red geranium!
Five Reasons I am glad the work is over for this season (not in any particular order):
1. Relief for my hands...they are so dry & peeling from the paper I handle every day.
2. Time! Now I will have time to read - study - clean house - lunch with friends.
3. I will now be able to walk in the cool of the early mornings.
4. I will remember and take time to feed the birds.
5. And this has to be number one....No more 5:00 a.m. mornings!!!
Four Reasons I enjoyed going to work every day (no particular order):
1. The structure and discipline of living by a schedule.
2. The nice people I worked with and a terrific boss named Nina.
3. Listening to my ipod all day long while I worked.
4. This really is #1: a paycheck!