This is a fun way to gift wrap for a baby shower. Print out pages of your favorite photos as wrapping paper. You will need to do a bit of cutting and taping. Top it off with favorite ribbon. It will be a hit!
and Lent begins. 40 days of devotions from a book written by Trica McCary Rhodes, "Contemplating the Cross" is one of the best lenton devotionals I have experienced. You can find all 40 days by clicking here
I had lunch with Debbie and Elsie twice last week!! And then they returned home to Sacramento and Seattle. Loved the time with them. Elsie is Debbie's mom. And she has been praying for Tuesday Night Women's Bible Study from the beginning. That would be for about 6 years now! So for those of you who are, or ever have been, part of this group....Elsie has been your prayer warrior! Love that lady.(and her daughter's not so bad either!)