Movie Night and Dinner
The Tuesday Night Girls had a wonderful time together last night. We watched "A Beautiful Life" (with lots of laughter and then pass the kleenex please! A powerful movie.) and had dinner. I just wish I had taken more pictures. These pics didn't turn out well but are all I have. It was great fellowship and the laughter continued throughout the evening. These women shared what the Lord is doing in their lives this past year. It was amazing to hear of their faith and growth even in the midst of some trying circumstances! I love these women. And so grateful for their faithfulness to Tuesday Night Bible Study. They encourage and minister to one another and to me. "Iron sharpens iron and one 'woman' sharpens another" Proverbs 27:17 Each of these women come to the study and they all know it is No Coincidence! Just God bringing them and working in their lives. And last night sure was fun! 
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