Saturday, August 25, 2012

Leaving for Utah
Cody's leaving for home for a couple of weeks
Packed up Ally's toys from this summer
  1. More summer memories were packed away this morning.
  2. Ally's dolls and dollhouse, her baby stroller and puzzles and blocks and books and Minnie Mouse are in the truck and traveling to Ogden, Utah.
  3. Would love to see Ally's face when she sees her toys!  She is at the age where she plays and plays.  
  4. Would love to see Ally's face when she sees her daddy!  
  5. Would love to see Ally's new bedroom........this is the week they are moving into their own place.

Friday, August 24, 2012

So many favorite times this summer and swimming was on the top of the list!

I won't sit down in  the bathtub, but a swimming pool is different!

Love this water!  Just plain fun!

Not ready to get out 


A couple of months at great-grandma' kind of summer!  

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Today Alex left for U C Berkeley

Already moved in to her dorm room and decorated!

Speaking at her High School Graduation

2 and a half months seems so long ago!

Yes sirree!!!  She was one of  the speakers! 

Congratulation!s Alexandra!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Sarah Rogde Walker!

My  Aunt me. ....and my mom!  the year is 1947
  1. I grew up with my aunt Sarah.  Her parents were my grandparents.  
  2. I have many wonderful memories of those early years!
  3. I never called her "aunt", she was more like a sister, growing up in the same household.
  4. It is so odd to me now, but I don't remember celebrating any birthdays with Sarah.  I think my grandma (my beloved grandma) was not big on birthdays.
  5. I remember things like winter ice skating together on our backyard rink.  Summer swimming at the Wahpeton City Swimming Pool.  Going with her to her best friend's home (Janice Bjornson) and loving it. Sitting with  her and the family around the dining room table for the Sunday dinner after church.  (There was always church and there was always a special dinner on Sundays)  We are seven years apart so most of my memories are the times we had as a family.
  6. Sarah is a woman of faith, my friend and my aunt.  Happy Birthday Sarah!  Love you!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Knock, Knock!

Who's there?
Olive who?
Olive you!
Visiting Auntie Char

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Saying good-bye is so hard to do!

Today I put my camera up on the top shelf.....far out of reach of little hands with sticky fingers.  Then realized no need to do so.  Those adorable little hands and sticky fingers have returned home.  No more jabbering and child laughter echoing throughout this house.  No more toys and books and boxes and spoons and makeshift instruments and little chairs.  No longer dolls lined up in a row on the couch.  No blocks to trip over in the middle of the room. No more doll house with a little girl ringing the door bell or flushing the toilet (yes!  it really does that!)   Pretty empty!  Yet, I can hardly call it empty when I have had such fun and constant activity since July 1st!  The memories are tremendous and every time I start weeping, I look at pictures and memories flood any emptiness that tries to enter.  I have been blessed with one of the busiest summers and my heart feels GRATITUDE!

We drove to Sacramento on Monday and they left from the Sacramento Airport on Tuesday morning.  As you can see, Ally had a ball staying in the hotel.  She is always happy and the trip wasn't hard on her at all.  My sister went with us (thanks Char!  that was sacrificial giving to be away  from home this week!  love you!)   This all reads about Ally, but saying good-bye to Shannon was just as difficult.  She is and always has been #1 granddaughter!  Miss you Shanna Banana! and thanks....when I got home discovered all the towels had been laundered and folded, sheets changed and washed, bathroom cleaned up.  You left it spotless! xxoo to you! 

This staying in a hotel room is fun!

One of many favorite books

Favorite because it has a mirror on the last page!

Having  fun with Auntie Char

Showing off in my Fresno Chaffee Zoo t-shirt..

It was REALLY special having great auntie Char with us

Making  silly faces on the airplane - turned out to be a good trip

Home again!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Shannon and Cody

Nice necklace Shannon!

Friday, August 3, 2012


Such excitement!