Monday, November 18, 2013

Ally will be here in 3 more days!

Ally having a snack at daycare.  That girl is serious about eating!  :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

thank you for your service!

my courageous husband served two tours in Vietnam
and  big Al -- my father-in-law who served in WWII

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Tinkerbell Ally all ready for trick or treat!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

musgo for dinner tonight

Saturday night dinner at our house is usually musgo.  I'm sure you've made it.  We find that weekly musgo is the best.  It always looks different.  Tonight it looked like this:


Pronounced "musgo", it is actually must-go.  That is, everything in the refrigerator that must go!  If you have anyone in your family who does not eat leftovers....this is a great disguise.

Tonight I made a pot of rice and cut up and added everything in the refrigerator that must go!  Ham, chicken, green onion, carrots, peas, eggs.  Added soy sauce and teriyaki sauce and voila!  Fried rice.  Along with the lettuce and watermelon that need to be used up, it was a great dinner!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

guess who's coming for a visit............she'll be here tomorrow!!!

  • She's flying in late tomorrow morning and I will be there with bells on to meet her plane. 
  • We will have the rest of Thursday and most of Friday together before the others get here and I have to share her.
  • She is so easy to please. 
  • She thinks the bed in my guest room  is the most comfortable she's ever slept in.
  • She never asks for anything..........but oh how I love to spoil her.
  • She appreciates the littlest things I do for her.
  • She will probably make her very tasty Chicken Caesar Salad for me while she is here.
  • She's a good mom, a good daughter, and a one-of-a-kind amazing and adorable granddaughter!
Then on Friday afternoon, her mom will arrive with Keznie and Ally.  Yes, she will be driving with the 5 year old and the 2 1/2 year old from Ogden!  (brave daughter of mine) What's the word that comes to mind when I think of Jayme?  Capable.  She will have a ball with them, I am sure.  Especially since she plans on Circus Circus for their overnight stay in Reno. 


Monday, June 24, 2013

Food Poisoning!

So many good things last week.  Right now all I can remember is the weekend after a bout with food poisoning.  Why, oh why, did we go out to dinner Friday night???  I was just home from work and being furloughed.  Didn't feel like making anything.  The Dutchman was home and this time of year that is a cause for celebration.  So off we went............and he turned into the Red Lobster.  Now I have nothing against the Red Lobster.  until now that is. and it has been a really tough weekend of...well, you don't even want to know. Sick is hardly the word for what I have been through.   On the mend this morning though.  ate half a piece of dry toast and sips of water.  doing good.  and then, yes, called the health department and they took a report.  called the restaurant.  they took a report. 

My miserable being on Saturday thought:  "so glad I didn't cancel my life insurance".   was not kidding.  that is how badly I felt.  Probably shouldn't have text that to my daughter though,  as she and Shannon almost jumped into the car and drove the 12 hours to get here. Dutchman was hit hard too.  Not our best weekend. 

Final note:  so glad my sister said no when we called her Friday and asked her to go out to dinner with us!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

a beautiful day

grandma jayme & baby marshall

  • grandma jayme holds baby marshall, 5 lbs 15 oz. so tiny. 
  • auntie shannon works at the hospital and was able to run upstairs to hold her nephew
  • big brother and two big sisters get to the hospital to hold the new brother
  • derek and christina are the blessed parents

Thursday, May 16, 2013

water! nourishment for the plant. nourishment for my soul.

I am sitting outdoors this morning with my first cup of coffee.  hearing the birds sing - love this orchestra of sound!  a gift from my Creator! 
     yesterday morning - sitting out here, same spot, I wondered why I couldn't hear the birds singing.  sad.  we hadn't bought bird seed in awhile....maybe that was it.  it was so quiet - and yet I knew my trees were full of birds.
     how often is it like that with God's voice?  He is right here but I do not hear Him.  is it because I'm not listening?  distracted with other things?  instead of listening to the most important One in my life? 
     today He is being so gracious:
  • birds singing loudly from all directions
  • a light wind causing this cool breeze, hear the rustling of the branches, see the waving of the leaves, all bowing to their Creator.
  • plant has revived....the one that was in full bloom, beautiful, seemed to withstand the heat wave so well.  and then yesterday morning:  completely wilted.  gone.  drooping down the sides of the planter.
    • I had NOT WATERED!!!
    • too busy.  too hot. "probably been watering too much anyway".  lazy.
    • so a good - loooooong watering yesterday morn.
      • drenched
      • dripping
      • saturated
    • and this morning - plant has resurrected!
    • where there was no life, now  stalks revived: straight & tall & strong - lots of buds & even blossoms opened.
    • alive!  prospect for a thriving season is long as I
      • water
      • water
      • water
    • nourishment for the life of the plant!

now I know there's a spiritual lesson somewhere in this.
my soul was made to thrive!  not to dry up.  limp.  passionless.

as tim keller says:  the bible says your soul needs love!  rapture!  passion! 

keller continues, God says "I am not just a remote force.  let me tell you what I built you for:  I want to be the lover of your sou!  I want to be the center of your heart!  that's what I made you for!"   God says, "I want you in My arms!"

this morning.......watering. 
                           my soul. 
                           running after Him to fill this empty heart
                           this morning I am in His arms.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Remembering Mom!

Remembering my mom this Mother's Day.  She was pretty amazing! She would be 95 years old if she were living today.  She is far better off where she is dwelling now, with her Lord and Savior,  and I am grateful she no longer suffers, as she did those last years.  I will be reunited with her some day!  And what a day that will be!

So..... a few mom facts, in no particular order:
  1. She was a school teacher.  It was always her dream.    
  2. She was Valedictorian of her senior class.  And quite put out at her brother for running home and telling her mom the news before she got there to share it!
  3. She was one of 12 children.  Her mother's first marriage bore 4 children. husband died.  She met and married a widower with 5 children.  Together they had my mom and 2 others.  A true  "yours, mine and ours" lovely family story. 
  4. She played the piano. 
  5. She taught school all week and still taught sunday school on the weekend.
  6. She taught school all day and no matter how tired she was, she  never missed cooking a full meal for the family that fast food in those days!
  7. She loved her family. 
  8. She was  a good citizen.
  9. She was a servant.
  10. She was a true Proverbs 31 woman.
  11. And oh...she was so loved by her children!!!  Happy Mother's Day mom! Miss you!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Thanks Jayme, Christina and Brookie!

Jayme, after working until 1:00 p.m. Friday night, still gets up in order to be in Salt Lake City by 7:00 a.m to walk in the Susan G. Komen Race!  Her t-shirt says Mom - Mib - Patty.  Thank you my sweet daughter!! 

Sweet Christina!  Thank you for walking in the race!   Baby Bump is little Marshall - ready to birth any day now!    Her t-shirt say Grandma - Aunt Mib .

Beautiful and precious Brooklin!!  Thank you for walking in the race today!  What a joy you are!  Her t-shirt is covered with pink ribbons!  Love you all!

And thanks to Shannon!  She made the tshirts for the girls.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

What a week!

Here we are - one week ago tomorrow. Since then Dutch has unexpectedly traveled many miles. 
You never know what a week may bring.  For that matter, you never know what a day will bring!  Tough week.  But never doubt how good God is.  Over and over in our lives we have seen evidence of His hand on us and on our family.  This week was no exception. 
A brief account of events:
Son-In-Law who lives in Utah has been out of work 6 months after working in Middle East for several years. 
We are all excited when he gets desperately needed job in North Dakota.  He leaves Sunday intending to be on new job on Tuesday.
Monday, driving through Montana, he hits black ice.  Truck flys clear across freeway to other side, truck rolls twice and ends right side up.
Ambulance trip to hospital and after cat scan, etc.  s-i-l is released.  Truck has been totaled but he survives with a few scratches and bruises and some excruciating pain.  (Not even concussion!)
When the Dutchman gets a somewhat hysterical call from our daughter Jayme, he responds "I'm on my way."  Yup.  That's just like him and that's what he did.  Drove work truck to Utah, saw Jayme, then drove on to Big Timber, Montana, where James is waiting in a motel.  Much of his entire trip was through snow storm and it was rough driving.  (I never knew my Florida boy had such snow storm driving in him!)  His travels even took him through Yellowstone.
Following morning, dutchman and s-i-l drive back to Utah.  Now s-i-l is without work transportation, so dutchman leaves him truck and returns home via 22 hour trip on Amtrak.  I pick up one fatigued husband on thursday night.
God has spared James life and/or spared him from severe injury. 
God has orchestrated events to make it possible for the dutchman to say "I'm on my way".
God has protected Dutchman from harm during storm and over many miles.
S-i-l still has job and leaves for ND soon.
Many scriptures come to mind, but this one in particular from Psalm 91.
" He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." 3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart...." 

Many things happened this week, in addition to this.  Praising God for His faithfullness!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

My Favorite Patio

my favorite morning reading spot

my favorite book

beautiful weather

my favorite flowers
my favorite g-granddaughter 2012

I share this plant with a mama dove
roses just beginning


mr dutch and his beloved

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring on Lyell Street!

Jasmine is blooming and fragrance is throughout the house and yard.

 A bit windy and about to rain.  But we will take a quick tour of the yard before the rain comes.  Definitely April has come!  Plants are beginning to bloom.  New life comes into the yard which had become quite drab in the past couple of months!

Purple roses
Vivian's Iris's

Flowering begins.

Jasmine blooming in the courtyard again.

The last branches to
be cleared out
after mega-pruning!

Grapefruit blossums.  A few fruit at top.
Orange tree blossuming.  FRAGRANCE is wonderful. 

Camelias almost gone.
Grapefruit sweet
& delicious this year
My one palm tree.

Spring 2013 yardwork is just beginning. Most of the pruning is done.  Light is flooding the house now that the "forest" has been cut back.  Grass needs to be planted.  Flower bed needs planting. Lots yet to do.  Love this time of year!