Sunday, February 23, 2014

saturday at home

 temperatures in the 70's and it's only February!  a day spent outdoors since there is lots of yard work to be done!  must have picked 200 grapefruit and there's still more.  so sweet this year!
hidden in the picture are doves - we've been listening to mating calls all day. they mate for life.

always have to have flowers in the house.  these tulips will soon lose their bloom for the year but how I have enjoyed them.

picture reflects a little of our home - candles, candy:  always have it out, even if I no longer eat it!  bible open and glasses on the couch  where the Dutchman has been in the early morning.  flowers.  single rose in a bottle given to me by a young woman I chatted with in line at walgreens the other day.  puts a smile on my face.

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