Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ally and her GiGi

I am so missing this little one today!!!  She is now 13 months old, as of the 6th, and from what I hear, changing every day!  I had such a ball with her over her birthday.  Here we are on the day of her party, before she puts her Minnie Mouse Party Dress on.  So I've decided to post this photo, I don't have too many of myself with her. 

Note the label:  Ally and GiGi.  As great grandma, I need to choose the name she will call me.  She has other "grandmas",  but being Great Grandma is about as good as it gets! (Yes! I know what you are thinking.... I continue to be too young to be a Great Grandma! ! :) ) 

Jayme is Grandma.  I'm not sure yet whether Patti is Grandma or has choosen another name.  There's so many names out there...Mimi, Grammy, Nana, Nona, Nana. Nina, Nanny........Whatever!  My growing up years I was so close to both my Grandmothers and called one, Grandma Lee and the other Grandma Rogde.  We just used surnames.  And Grandma was traditional.  I happen to think there is no more beautiful word than Grandma, and that is what I will always be to Ally's mommy, Shannon. 

However, to Ally, since Grandma is already taken, I am choosing a modern name.  My mother, as Great Grandma,  was GG to Shannon.  I like that.  But I think I will add a little flair to it and make it GiGi! Can you hear it??  zhee -ZHEE!! I am Ally's zhee-ZHEE!  (pronounced GeeGee is optional) What do you think?  GiGi?  Is that pretty hip?  Great Grandma's definitely need to be pretty cool.  Or are there any other name suggestions?  Leave a comment and let me know!  or leave a comment if you think I have carried this just way too far. :)

Ending on a more serious note:  Don't forget to keep up with the Compassion Ecuador Bloggers!  Your heart will be moved.


  1. By the way, this is your daughter but the only way I could comment was by "anonymous"
